To my great sadness, Linda Boucher passed away suddenly on January 12.  Linda was a fighter for children with a special place in her heart for those with special needs.  Our community will miss the impact and love she shared with our community and the sacrifice she made for us all.   

One couldn’t help but smiling when she was in the room and when she would fight for the rights of children and the parents rights for their children.

My first interaction with Linda was at O’Donoghue’s in Elm Grove.  She was sitting at the table with a big red hat and a big smile.  She grabbed my hand and said she was so thankful I was running for School Board.  I instantly had her support!  

Linda continued to entertain me and my family during a holiday event where I invited her to spend the day with us.  Linda had an incredibly special LOVE for my daughter with special needs, Eden.  She always asked, “How is Eden doing”?  

Linda was a champion, a SOLID Christian, an encouragement to me during tough meetings, and my friend. I will dearly miss her.

View Obituary here.


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